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San Diego Unpaid Wages Attorney


At Nevels + Nichols, our experienced San Diego unpaid wages attorneys are here to help you recover the wages and penalties you are owed by your employer. We can fight for you and help you explore legal options. Call our office today for a free consultation at (619) 374-1100. If you have suffered wage and hour violations such as unpaid overtime, minimum wage violations, or missed meal and rest breaks, our team can help!

How Can a San Diego Wage & Hour Dispute Lawyer Help?

At Nevels + Nichols, we understand how stressful and overwhelming wage and hour disputes can be. You have worked hard to earn that money and it can be extremely frustrating when your employer does not fairly or adequately compensate you. Our team of San Diego employment lawyers has the experience and knowledge necessary to help you navigate the complexities of California wage and hour laws. He will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the compensation and justice you deserve.

Common Types of Wage & Hour Disputes in San Diego

Some of the most common types of wage and hour disputes in San Diego include:

  • Overtime violations
  • Misclassification of employees as independent contractors
  • Failure to provide meal and rest breaks
  • Failure to pay minimum wage
  • Failure to pay wages earned
  • Unlawful deductions from wages

At Nevels + Nichols, we have extensive experience handling all of these types of wage and hour disputes and more. If you are going through any of these issues, contact us today.

Damages for Wage & Hour Disputes

If you have experienced an issue with your pay and wages, you may be entitled to compensation. A variety of damages may be available to you including:

  • Unpaid wages
  • Unpaid overtime
  • Penalties for missed meal and rest breaks
  • Liquidated Damages
  • Waiting Time Penalties
  • Inaccurate Paystub Penalties
  • Interest on unpaid wages
  • Attorney's fees and costs

Nevels + Nichols is familiar with all of the intricacies of the California Labor Code and our San Diego unpaid wages lawyers will work to ensure that you receive the maximum amount compensation that you can obtain under California law

California Private Attorneys General Act ("PAGA") Claims

The California Private Attorneys General Act ("PAGA") allows employees to sue their employer on behalf of the State of California for labor code violations. The aggrieved employees who suffered these violations can collect penalties against the employer for the violations of the California Labor Code. While the penalties recovered need to be shared with the state of California, PAGA claims can result in significant damages for employees and can be a powerful tool for holding employers accountable for wage and hour violations. The San Diego unpaid wages lawyers at Nevels + Nichols has ample experience handling PAGA claims and can help you determine if this is the right option for your case.

Contact a San Diego Wage & Hour Dispute Attorney for a Free Consultation

Contact the San Diego unpaid wages lawyers at Nevels + Nichols today if you have experienced a wage and hour dispute. I is important to speak with an experienced attorney who can help you understand your rights and options. Our team of lawyers at Nevels + Nichols has a proven track record of successfully representing clients in wage and hour disputes. Contact us today at (619) 374-1100 or book online to schedule a consultation.

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How much do you charge?

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Do you offer refunds?

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What are the server requirements?

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.


I genuinely appreciated how responsive and capable Brooke Nevels was at handling my civil lawsuit. Brooke was very resourceful at get me a settlement when other, more senior attorneys had failed.


What I liked about Christopher Nichols was the way that he treated me, and best of all is that he produced results.


Brooke demonstrated exceptional thoroughness, promptness, and professionalism. We will definitely turn to her services again in the future if any issues arise.


I would like to express my respect for the deep knowledge, high level of professionalism, as well as showing genuine concern for the client's welfare by Mr. Chris Nichols throughout.


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