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San Diego Class Action Attorney


If you feel like your employer has violated your rights under California or Federal labor laws, you may not be alone. Nevels + Nichols has a dedicated team to help you uphold your legal rights. Schedule a FREE consultation with a San Diego class action lawyer at (619) 374-1100.

Oftentimes, employers who violate employment laws have a history of doing so and a large number of employees may be affected. When this occurs, a labor class action by current and former employees can be a powerful way of ending the employer’s illegal practices and obtaining compensation for affected employees.

How Can a San Diego Labor Class Action Lawyer Help?

Our team is here to help you navigate the complex process of filing a class action lawsuit. We have the skills and knowledge necessary to build a strong case and fight for your rights. You need a San Diego employment law attorney with accomplished credentials in order to hold your employer accountable for any labor law violations and to get you and others the compensation you deserve. Let Nevels + Nichols be of assistance with your employment class action. 

When you bring your class action to Nevels + Nichols, you can trust us to:

  • Provide honest legal advice and guidance from the moment we meet
  • Fully investigate all areas of your case and determine if it qualifies for a class action
  • Document illegal and unfair practices and actions your employer has committed
  • Guide you through the necessary steps of certifying your class action lawsuit
  • Update you on the standing of your case throughout the entire process
  • Protect your legal rights at every stage of your case

What Are the Most Common Labor Law Violations in California?

There are a variety of labor law violations that can occur in the workplace. Some of the most common violations that may lead to a class action lawsuit in California include:

These are just some of the most common employment law violations, there are many more not listed here that can qualify as a class action in California.

Requirements for a Labor Class Action in San Diego

In California, there are several requirements that must be met in order to file a class action lawsuit. This is why it is essential to hire a local San Diego class action attorney with the background and qualifications to handle these types of matters. 

The requirements for a class action include:

  • Numerosity - There must be a large number of employees who have been affected by the labor law violation.
  • Commonality - There must be a common issue that affects all members of the class.
  • Typicality - The claims of the named plaintiff must be typical of the claims of the rest of the class.
  • Adequacy - The named plaintiff and the attorneys representing the class must be able to adequately represent the interests of the class.

What Are the Benefits of a Class Action in California?

Class actions can be a powerful tool for employees who have been wronged by their employer. Some of the benefits of filing a class action lawsuit in California include:

  • Cost-effective - By pooling resources, employees can share the cost of legal representation. The class action vehicle allows us to take cases on a contingency as we seek to represent a group.
  • Strength in numbers - A class action lawsuit can send a strong message to the employer and encourage them to settle the case.The more witnesses and employees that speak up, the stronger the case will be.
  • Efficient - A class action lawsuit can be more efficient than individual lawsuits since it combines all the claims into one case.

How to Start a Class Action in California

Starting a class action lawsuit can be a complex process. Our team of San Diego labor class action lawyers can help facilitate that and ensure that you can bring forward your claims. Some of the steps involved in starting a class action lawsuit include:

  • Identifying the labor law violation
  • Finding a lead plaintiff
  • Gathering evidence
  • Filing a complaint with the court

How Much Does It Cost to Join a Class Action?

Joining a class action lawsuit is typically free for employees. The attorneys representing the class are typically paid on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if the case is successful. As a result, it usually costs nothing to be a part of the employment class action lawsuit. In a class action settlement, the employees receive compensation approved by the Court through the settlement approval process, as do the attorneys.

How Is a Class Action Different from a PAGA Action?

A “PAGA” action is a type of qui tam, or representative, lawsuit that is specific to California. PAGA stands for the Private Attorneys General Act, which allows employees to sue their employer on behalf of the state for labor law violations. The main difference between a class action lawsuit and a PAGA action is that in a PAGA action, there are less stringent requirements related to maintaining the case. However, in a PAGA action, only penalties for Labor Code violations are sought and a portion of the penalties recovered must be shared with the state. Sometimes a lawsuit will be both a class action and PAGA case.

At Nevels + Nichols, we know that PAGA is an important tool towards getting employees in California fair compensation and our team knows the proper strategy and methods for pursuing these types of cases. If you believe you have suffered labor law violations in the workplace, contact us now for a free consultation regarding your case. 

How Do I File a Class or PAGA Action in California?

Filing a class action or PAGA action in California can be a complicated process. It is essential to have experienced legal representation to guide you through the process. We know the process and have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you file a class action or PAGA action. If you have experienced a violation, we can help fight for your rights.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Class Action Attorney in San Diego

If you believe that your employer has violated labor laws, we are here to help. Contact Nevels + Nichols today to schedule a consultation. 

At Nevels + Nichols, we represent clients in all industries in San Diego and surrounding counties and we bring years of experience in California labor law to the table. Contact a San Diego labor class actions lawyer today to discuss your case and explore legal options.

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I genuinely appreciated how responsive and capable Brooke Nevels was at handling my civil lawsuit. Brooke was very resourceful at get me a settlement when other, more senior attorneys had failed.


What I liked about Christopher Nichols was the way that he treated me, and best of all is that he produced results.


Brooke demonstrated exceptional thoroughness, promptness, and professionalism. We will definitely turn to her services again in the future if any issues arise.


I would like to express my respect for the deep knowledge, high level of professionalism, as well as showing genuine concern for the client's welfare by Mr. Chris Nichols throughout.


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